What Happens If My Workers’ Compensation Claim Is Denied?
It is naturally upsetting to an employee who has been injured on the job when a workers’ compensation claim is flat-out denied. If this has happened to you, perhaps your employer claims that you were not actually engaged in work activities when you were injured. Or they may assert that your report of injuries is exaggerated or even false. Furthermore, they may begin paying benefits and then stop them before you are well enough to return to work.
Whatever excuse they give for denying you the benefits you deserve, we urge you to contact an attorney at DDB Law in Lakeland to get accurate information as well as guidance.
When An Appeal Becomes Necessary
If your employer or their workers’ compensation insurer gives you a hard time when you report your workplace injury, you may need to get an attorney on your side to help you fight for your rights.
After a denial of your workers’ compensation claim, our attorneys can help you stand up for your rights. We may get things back on track simply by letting your employer or their insurer know that you have legal representation. In many cases, this is enough to solve the problem.
Beyond simple negotiations, you may need to appeal a denied workers’ compensation claim through administrative hearings, a trial or a legal appeal after you have lost your case at trial. Each step of the way after a denied workers’ compensation claim, documentation requirements and legal procedures may seem more complicated.
Rest assured that the attorneys at DDB Law have prevailed on clients’ behalf many times. We are confident that we can be of great assistance to you in securing your rightful workers’ compensation benefits, even after a denial.
Get Ready To Begin Your Appeal Now
To schedule a free consultation with one of our workers’ compensation appellate law attorneys, complete our online inquiry form or call 863-213-1608 to let us know of your situation.