Eye injuries affect thousands of people every day. In fact, approximately 2,000 workers sustain eye injuries daily. Although most work-related eye injuries are not serious and will heal within a day or two, sometimes, even less-serious eye injuries can quickly become complicated.
Eye injuries can also cause temporary or long-term vision loss. For these reasons, if you sustain a work-related eye injury, you should not attempt to treat it yourself.
Here are some of the most common workplace eye injuries.
Computer Vision Syndrome
If you use a computer for extended periods, you may be at risk of various health issues. One serious problem you may experience is Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS. Although CVS doesn’t cause permanent eye damage, it may alter your vision and cause pain, affecting your work performance and enjoyment of other activities.
Eye infections
Eye infections are a common eye injury amongst most workers, especially those in the healthcare industry. This is because workers in this area may be exposed to blood-borne pathogens that increase their risk of eye infections. In addition, splashes of blood into the eyes can result in the transmission of other diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV, among others.
Allergic conjunctivitis
Workers exposed to excessive ultraviolet radiation are at a high risk of allergic conjunctivitis. Likewise, people working in the agricultural and food handling sectors may be exposed to some fruits, spices and vegetables that may cause allergic conjunctivitis.
Penetrating eye injuries
Your eyes may be invaded by some foreign particles while in the line of duty. While some foreign particles, such as dust, may cause irritation and inflammation, other foreign objects, such as slivers of wood, staples and metal shavings, may puncture your eye. This may cause serious eye injury and lead to permanent vision loss.
A work-related eye injury may sometimes require long-term treatment, so you may need to take time off work. Fortunately, you can claim workers’ compensation benefits to cover medical expenses and your wage loss.