Most workers understand the idea that they can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits if they get hurt at work. However, quite a few people don’t really understand what that process entails or what benefits they can receive.
They then find themselves at a disadvantage if they get hurt at work and need to file a claim. Workers in Florida have no-fault protection through workers’ compensation. What does the no-fault nature of the coverage mean for applicants in need of benefits?
You don’t have to prove your employer made a mistake
In a situation with fault-based insurance coverage, those making a claim need a police report or other documentation showing that the policyholder was negligent or broke the law somehow. Proving fault is not a part of a workers’ compensation claim in Florida. After all, workers could get hurt because of something a coworker does wrong even when their employer is in perfect regulatory compliance.
No-fault coverage also means that your employer can’t deny you coverage just because you made a mistake, like trying to walk across the factory floor while looking back at a coworker instead of in front of you. Unless there is evidence that you hurt yourself on purpose or as a direct result of chemical impairment on the job, your fault shouldn’t have any effect on your right to benefits.
Employees will need to comply with reporting requirements and usually also need to carefully follow all medical recommendations to protect their right to benefits. Learning the basics of how workers’ compensation coverage works in Florida will help those who think they need to file a claim.