When compared with professional driving or construction work, a retail job may seem relatively safe. These jobs are often quite basic and also pay very little. While you may be able to complete the training for a retail job in just a few days, there are still many risks on the job that could lead to you getting hurt and possibly taking time off of work.
You may even require workers’ compensation benefits. What are the most common workplace injuries reported among retail employees that lead to medical care and lost productivity?
Musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of injury
According to data gathered and reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people in retail are more likely than construction workers to get hurt on the job, and developing musculoskeletal disorders is the most common issue that forces retail workers to take time off of work and to claim workers’ compensation benefits for medical treatment.
The repetitive motions associated with using a cash register, stocking shelves or performing the same task for an eight-hour shift can cause issues that diminish someone’s strength and range of motion. Workers with musculoskeletal disorders may need to change their job responsibilities or may even find themselves unable to continue working at all.
Overexertion is another top concern
Intense bodily reactions due to overexertion occur when someone works in a hot environment without a break or when they lift more than their bodies can easily handle. Unlike musculoskeletal disorders that develop because of repetitive use, overexertion injuries can occur in a single incident.
Slips, trips and falls are a risk at any job
The third leading cause of job injuries for retail workers involves people slipping, tripping or falling. They could trip over power supply cords in the back room or slip on coffee spilled by a patron. Workers who fall can break bones, suffer soft-tissue injuries and even sometimes damage their brains.
Retail workers often cannot do their jobs and may require temporary disability benefits until they recover. They may not have health insurance or have mediocre coverage, making the medical benefits provided through workers’ compensation important for their recovery. Identifying job risks and knowing about your rights it comes to workers’ compensation benefits can help you regardless of the industry in which you work.